Mission - Vision


To educate young minds and foster ethical, social moral values through holistic learning to bloom into responsible global citizens. Also to create an environment of inter-cultural understanding and respect, to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world. To provide an environment for students to realize their unique potential and to develop deep rooted value system blended with leadership skills, learning ability and innovative thinking through our unique affordable and accessible contemporary education.


To strive relentlessly and vigorously. To empower children to achieve their highest academic and creative potential. To enable students to be confident, responsible, caring & life-long learners. To realize the vision by making the best use of quality infrastructure, resources and experienced, talented and committed faculty.


To strive reliability, honesty.

Untiring zeal, passionate commitment and fanatical dedication to educate and to mould children to be the pride of families & Society.

Teach children core values, respect, friendship, sharing, caring, giving and positive approach towards people, society and towards life.