School's Rules & Regulation's

General School Rules

Observance of the following rules is compulsory for all student The school expects all students to maintain a high standard general behaviors.

  • Every student must carry this Almanac to school every day and use it productively.
  • Non-bus commuters must arrive 10 minutes before the school starts.
  • Uniform is compulsory during school hours and for all school functions including all such instances where students are representing the school outside.
  • Uniform must always be neat and clean. The students who are not in proper uniform will be sent home.
  • Non-Sikh boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals and ensure that it remains combed and tidy. Sikh Boys must wear white turban in class IX and above. A patka may be worn only while playing Game. Girls must tie their hair neatly with band/ribbon. Use of hair gel is not allowed. No color or henna should be applied on hair.
  • Bullying and the use of foul language are punishable offences whether in or out of school. Students found using the same will be expelled from School.
  • Students are not allowed to bring any weapons or sharp instrument, such as blades, knives, paper scalpels, scissors etc to school.
  • Care must be taken of all school property and no students should scratch or the desks or charts or damage any school furniture. Students should not write or draw on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or Principal.
  • Students are prohibited from bringing any publication reference books, CD or other storage devices like floppies, pendrives or I-pods, not relevant to academic pursuits.
  • Bringing money to school is not allowed. Also leading or borrowing of money or any other article is strictly prohibited.
  • Bringing mobile phones, cameras. expensive articles watch etc. to school is strictly forbidden. If confiscated it will not be returned.
  • In the interest of their own security, students are advised not to buy or receive any articles, gifts or foodstuffs from anyone at all in route.
  • Celebrating festivals with crackers and colors in school or in school bus is prohibited.
  • It is mandatory for all students, unless instructed otherwise to be present for festivals and functions celebrated in the school.
  • The school is committed to protecting the environment and expects its students to be environment friendly in all their actions. The use of poly bags (Plastic bags) is therefore, strictly prohibited in the school and students should consciously avoid their use for any purpose.
  • Students are not allowed to celebrate their birthday or any other occasion in school with cake, snacks and cold Drinks.
  • Girls are not allowed to apply henna on their hands. Color on lips, eye liners nail paint is not permitted. They are not allowed to wear earrings or rings on fingers or nose rings. However, one pair of small ear studs is permitted.
  • Students are not allowed to report to school with religious threads tied on their wrists. They shall not wear any bracelet.
  • Students should switch off lights and fans while leaving the classroom.
  • Students are advised to keep their classroom and school building as clean as possible.

Most Important

The students must speak in ENGLISH in the school premises except the respective second/third language classroom.


All absence from school. even with prior permission of the Principal, must be explained by the parent, in the "Absence Record" which is a part of this diary, before it can be condoned and the student is permitted into the class. If the leave is more than three days, besides the note in the diary, the explanation in a separate letter must be added and sanctioned by the Principal.

An absence for more than three days before or after a vacation or without prior permission of the school authorities shall be treated. as a default. The act shall be considered as a serious misconduct and shall render the student liable to have his/her name removed from the rolls.