Pillers Of SWS Education

Four Pillers Of Sparsh World School Education

Universal Values

Universal values are spiritual qualities, virtues, and values common to all people, traditions, religions and cultures.

Global Understanding

Global Understanding is accepting one ness of humanity, harbouring love for other human beings and respect for all living things, and going, beyond the harrow confines of caste, colour, religion and country, to opportunity and celebrating diversity in all its forms.

Service to the world

Service to the world goes beyond charity to recognized service as way of life, so that when children grow up, they become conscious thinkers and doers, leaders of thought and action, and proactive agents of social transformation.

Excellence in all things

Excellence in all things is striving for perfection and beauty and learning to do one's best always. It means competing with onself. it also means expecting and visualizing the test in every child.